Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Fall y'all!!!

Where on earth does my time go? 😳  I swear, in the blink of an eye it went from August to October and September just disappeared! Maybe with the kids going back to school, getting settled into new routines, extracurricular activities, play dates and everything else that goes along with having a busy family - I lost time!  Anyway, did I mention that our little Synagogue in Fargo desperately needed roof and plumbing repairs but couldn't afford to get them done so I started a "Gi Fund Me" campaign online and so far have raised almost $12,000 through the website with another $11,000 being donated directly to the Temple AND we have an anonymous benefactor step forward willing to immediately donate $15,000 followed by matching all of our donations dollar to dollar up to a maximum of $30,000?  Let's pause while I give myself a great big pat on my back because I am VERY proud of how I made a difference.

In other news we took the kids hiking this weekend at a State Park in Minnesota and love the changing colors of the leaves - I'll post some photos to share with you all - happy stitching!